Sunday, May 31, 2009

Accessibility Review: Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum

Parking at Oakland was easy with the handicap parking spots right in front of one of the entrances to the park. The entrance kind of was on the total opposite side of the bleacher sections we sat in, but at least the section was on the level you enter the park and we did not have to do any elevator riding to get to the section.

The bleacher section has plenty of handicap seating mostly with metal platforms, however, there is only about four companion seats. All the seats in the bleachers are on a first come first choice basis. We were there early and there also ended up being no other people in wheelchairs, so we got a perfect spot with a companion seat on each side of Mik. The view was pretty good with only a little bit of right field out of view. We could at least easily see one of the scoreboards, which is not normal for bleacher sections, but it works at this stadium due to it being set up for football with two scoreboards.

The cup holder situation was frustrating to Mik just like at the Dodgers. We did not expect cup holders since it was the bleacher section, but we arrived to find the bleacher section had regular ballpark seats and not bleacher benches and all the rows had cup holders except the handicap row. Mik finds this a form of discrimination against those in wheelchairs and would have been fine with it if the rest of the bleacher section was without cup holders, but that was not the case.

Day 12: Shopping

After Dad got back from church we headed to the Junction area of West
Seattle. First stop there was the Farmer's Market where we got some
breadsticks to go with dinner and I tried some strawberry lavender
lemonade. We then went to two used book stores and got 9 mystery books.

After the bookstores we went to Husky's Deli and had ice cream. Will
post more on that in a Mik's Food Scrapbook post eventually. We then
browsed a used record/CD/DVD store, but did not find anything we wanted.

On the way back to the campground we stopped at Target. We got a
small basketball and a little nerf style football for playing catch. I
bought four seasons of Reba for myself since they were on sale in two
packs for $14.99 each. I let Mik get Speed Racer for the trip and we
got a new copy of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azaban since our
copy was not working when Mik tried to watch it the other day.

Now we are back at camp and Mik is playing MLB the Show on his PSP,
which he got at Target with his money. I am going to get on the
Internet and try to work on some posts while Dad is getting his
Internet fix as well.

Mik's Food Scrapbook: Jelly Belly Cafe

The other day when we went to the Jelly Belly Factory we had lunch at the Jelly Belly Cafe. Mik enjoyed the Fish & Chips, a meal he has loved since he went to London a few years ago. The fish was good and he ate it all. The fries were also good, but he was full by the time he got to them and Dad and I ate them.

I had the Jelly Belly Pizza, which is just regular pizza shaped like a jelly bean. The pizza had nice thick soft crust and was very cheesy. I enjoyed it and Mik liked the bite of it I let him have.

Kj's Baseball Collection: Major League Baseballs

Mik got an official Major League Baseball used in batting practice at both the Oakland As and San Francisco Giants games. The balls are basically the same, but the one from the Giants has the word Practice stamped on it. Mik already said I could have the one from the As game for my collection, but I think he will keep the Giants one. We used the As one to play catch yesterday since it is not a ball expected for the collection and it is not quite as special as the one that has the practice stamp on it. Dad wrote on both with Sharpie the date of the game, the teams in the game, and the ballpark name.

Kj's Baseball Collection: Black As

At the Oakland As the souvenir baseball selection was not much better than one choice for mini bat. I ended up getting a black ball with silver writing that includes the As logo and the word Oakland on it several times.

All the Ballparks T-Shirts

Per Mom's request I am posting the photos of the front and the back of our t-shirts and explaining them. The front of the shirt has the logo I designed for the trip, which is also on the right hand side of the blog. The logo has 30 circles, which represent the colors of the teams in order of the ballparks we are visiting. The order starts with the red and black circle (Dbacks) on the left in the middle (~9 o'clock if it was a clock) and continues clockwise to end right below the red and black one with the teal one that represents the Marlins colors.

The back of the shirt lists the games we are going to in order with the date and the names of the teams playing in the game.

Car Stickers Update: San Franciso Giants

Here is the updated version of the National League side of the car with the Giants sticker on it. It is almost has the whole Western Division, but it will not have the division complete until we see the Rockies in a few weeks.